Many things grown do not get listed directly through the online store, due either to difficulty shipping, quantities too small, or sporadic/occasional availability. The following is a general listing of what the nursery can offer, some through the online store, and the rest upon request and through visitation. Please send an email using the Contact link to inquire!
Tree and shrub species:
Hickories of the genus Carya - shagbark, shellbark, pecan, hican, hybrids, yellowbud/bitternut, mockernut, red and black hickory.
Walnuts of the genus Juglans - black walnut, butternut/white walnut, English/Carpathian/Persian walnut, heart nut/Japanese walnut, hybrids.
Chestnuts of the genus Castanea - Chinese, Japanese/Korean, American, European, hybrids.
Chinquapins of the genus Castanea - Allegheny, Ozark, Chinese/henryi/seguinii, hybrids.
Oaks of the genus Quercus - White oak, bur oak, chinquapin oak, swamp white oak, hybrids.
Buckeyes of the genus Aesculus - common or yellow buckeye, bottlebrush buckeye, red buckeye, hybrids.
Serviceberries of the genus Amelanchier - shadbush (A. spicata), common serviceberry (A. canadensis), saskatoon (A. alnifolia).
Persimmons of the genus Diospyros - Northern American persimmon, common persimmon, Asian, and hybrids.
Mulberries of the genus Morus - Asian mulberries and hybrids, as well as the true native red mulberry, Morus rubra.
Pawpaw - Asimina triloba.
Plums of the genus Prunus - American, Goose, Chickasaw, Beach plum, and hybrids.
Honey locust - Gleditsia triacanthos
Black locust, Robinia pseudoacacia, and bristly locust, Robinia hispida.
Hazels of the genus Corylus - American hazelnut, European hazelnut, filbert, Turkish tree hazel, and hybrids.
Elms of the genus Ulmus - American, Slippery, and Winged.
Yellowwood - Cladrastus kentuckia.
Kentucky Coffeetree - Gymnocladus dioicus.
Magnolias including Bigleaf, Umbrella, and Ashei.
Spicebush - Lindera benzoin.
Appalachian all-spice - Calycanthus floridus.
Fringe-tree - Chionanthus virginicus.
Pinxter Azalea - Rhododendron periclymenoides.
Beautyberry - Callicarpa americana.
Devil’s Walking Stick - Aralia spinosa.
Elderberry - some cultivars.
Herbaceous & native plants:
Ramps / Wild Leeks - Allium tricoccum.
Trillium - erectum, luteum, stamineum, lancifolium, underwoodii, cuneatum, discolor, maculatum, decumbens, grandiflora, sessile, flexipes, cernuum, Susquehanna Trillium, and hybrids.
Dwarf ginseng and American ginseng
Virginia bluebells - Mertensia virginica
Waterleaf of the genus Hydrophyllum - virginianum and canadense.
Phacelia purshii, Phacelia dubia, and Phacelia bipinnatifida.
Camas - Camassia scilloides, Camassia leichtlinii.
Eastern Yampah - Perideridia americana.
Spiderwort - Tradescantia species.
Spikenard, Sarsaparilla, and Bristly Elder.
Bloodroot - Sanguinaria canadensis.
Twinleaf - Jeffersonia diphylla.
Shooting stars - Dodecatheon meadia and Dodecatheon amethystinum.
Groundnut - Apios americana. 20+ cultivars, and wild type seed. Apios priceana grown but not offered at this time.
Blue cohosh - Caulophyllum thalictroides.
Black cohosh - Actaea racemosa.
Rue anemone - Thalictrum thalictroides.
Hepatica americana
Red columbine - Aquilegia canadensis.
Fire pink - Silene virginica.
Pinkroot - Spigelia marilandica.
Man-of-the-earth - Ipomoea pandurata.
Dwarf larkspur - Delphinium tricorne.
Wild ginger - Asarum canadensis.
Hexastylis species
Blue Vervain - Verbena hastata.
Lobelia siphilitica, cardinalis, and inflata.
Illinois bundleflower - Desmanthus illinoensis.
Passionflower - Passiflora incarnate.
Solomon’s Seals of the genus Polygonatum - Giant, Smooth, and Downy.
Waneeged / Boar Hog Root / Eastern Osha - Ligusticum canadense.
Dicentras - Dutchman’s Breeches, Squirrel Corn, Wild Bleeding Heart.
Rock harlequin - Corydalis sempervirens.
Fairy wand / false unicorn root - Chamaelirium luteum.
Bear’s Paw - Smallanthus uvedalia.
Nodding Onion - Allium cernuum.
Goldenseal - Hydrastis canadensis.
Yellowroot - Xanthorhiza simplicissima.
Eastern thimbleberry / Purple-flowering Raspberry - Rubus odoratus.
Skullcap - Scutellaria lateriflora.
Mountain mints of the Genus Pycnanthemum - virginianum, muticum, tenuifolium, verticillata.
Monarda fistulosa, didyma, and punctata.
Sochan / Cut-leaf Coneflower - Rudbeckia laciniata.
Wood nettle - Laportea canadensis.
Sunroot - Helianthus tuberosus.
Dwarf Sunroot - Helianthus strumosus.
Catawba Sunflower - Helianthus schweinitzii.
Springbeauty - Claytonia virginiana & caroliniana.
Toothworts - Cardamine concatenata, diphylla.
Woodland Phlox - Phlox divaricata.
Jacob’s Ladder - Polemonium replans & van-bruntiae.
Culver’s root - Veronicastrum virginicum.
Trout Lily - Erythronium americanum.
True lilies - Lilium canadense, Lilium superbum.
Solomon’s Plume - Maianthemum racemosum.
Starry Solomon’s Seal - Maianthemum stellatum.
Mitrewort / bishop’s cap - Mitella diphylla.
Foamflower - Tiarella cordifolia.
Ostrich fern - Matteucchia struthiopteris.
Maidenhair fern - Adiantum pedatum.
Wood anemone - Anemone quinquefolia.
Rosemallow - Hibiscus moscheutos.
Halberd-leaved Mallow - Hibiscus laevis.
Root crops & other garden growers:
Groundnuts - Apios americana. See above.
Taro / Eddo - Colocasia esculenta. Northern-hardy variety from Korea, received from Yanna Fishman.
Potato - Solanum tuberosum. Several varieties including TPS (true potato seed).
Sweet Potato - Ipomoea batatas. Several varieties from my own breeding, and true botanical seeds.
Camas - see above.
Native edible geophytic foods - dwarf ginseng, springbeauty, toothworts, trout lilies, Solomon’s seal, true lilies, etc. See above.
Hibiscus Sorrel - Hibiscus sabdariffa.
Mintroot / Crosne - Stachys affinis.
Purple Coneflower
Black Samson
Tulsi / Holy Basil